Majuli Island of Assam, is renowned as one of the world’s largest river islands, spanning an extensive area of 483 square kilometers. Every year, thousands of tourists and cultural enthusiasts visit Majuli to take part in Majuli Raas Festival or Majuli Ras Mahotsav. This festival features colorful performances, including dances, plays, and the traditional art form of Ankiya Bhaona. The popularity of Raasleela is so infectious that all tickets for the shows at famous Satras are sold out a month ahead of the festivities.
Origin of the Majuli Rass Festival
The origin of the Majuli Raas Festival or Rasleela Mahotsav can be traced to the neo-vaishnavite movement of Assam during the 15th century. In his efforts to promote Neo-Vaishnavism in Assam, saints like Sankardev and his disciple Madhavdev utilized narratives from Hindu religious texts to establish a connection with the masses. These religious stories were presented in the form of dramatic performances known as “bhaona” in the Vaishnavite culture of Assam. The themes of these Bhaona performances were drawn from the tales of heroic figures of Krishna and Rama, the Bhāgavata Purāna, and the epic of the Ramayana. These narratives were intentionally kept simple to ensure easy comprehension by the common people. These ‘bhaona’ or plays become popular as Raas Mahotsav as people throng to Majuli to watch.
How Majuli Raas Festival Become Popular
It is truly amazing to see how the cultural tradition of the 16th century is carried by the people of Majuli and it is becoming increasingly popular day by day. the credit for this popularity goes to the Satras and Satradhikar (head of satra) of Majuli. To spread Neo-Vaishnavism, Sankardeva, the pioneer of Neo-Vaishnavism in Assam, satras were introduced. Satras are a type of monasteries for the followers of Sankardev. Later, these Satras became the centers for religious practices. These satras patronised art, craft, painting, literature, music and dance. For centuries, these satras preserved the culture of the Majuli Raas Festival.
People Behind Modern Day Celebration of Majuli Raas Festival
It is believed that the Raasleela of today originated with a dramatic presentation at Dakhinpat Satra, where Sri Sri Baudev Deva Goswami, started writing plays, composing songs and dancing following divine injunctions. Eventually, the dramatisation of devotional themes became very popular and started being observed in all the satras in the auspicious month of November. Sri Sri Pitambar Deva Goswami, sutradhar of Gharmura Satra, had endeavoured wholeheartedly to popularise the stage performance of the Raas Leela Festival.
Performances During the Majuli Raas Festival
Two distinct types of Raasleela are observed in the different Satras – one is the Vedic tradition, observed in an open space, and the other is a stage presentation.
Besides Onkiya Bhaona and plays, other spiritual practices like naam prasanga, dihanam, hiyanaam, gayan-bayan, natu, Ojapali, and presentation of borgeet (Assamese spiritual song) etc, are also meticulously arranged for three consecutive days at Majuli Raas Mahotsav. Simultaneously, dramatic presentations of important events from the lives of Mahapurush Sankardev and his disciples also draw huge crowds. The use of colourful masks (mukha) is an added attraction in the joyous festival as Majuli is famous for its mask-making tradition.
Time and Duration of Majuli Raas Festival
Raas Mahotsav (festival) is held in Majuli during November, mostly in the last week of November. It is generally held for three days. It starts on the date of Raas Purnima according to the Hindu calendar. It is to be noted that Majuli Raas Festival is not a single event. Different satras arrange raas leela according to their convenience. Some satras arrange single day raas leela program.
Famous Satras of Majuli to Watch Raas Leela
Auniatri Satra, Chamuguri Satra, Dakhinpat Satra, Gharmura Satra, Uttar Kamalabari and Natun Kamalabari are famous for their annual raas leela festival. Two distinct types of Raasleela are observed in the different Satras – one is the Vedic tradition, observed in an open space, and the other is a stage presentation.
Majuli Raas Festival 2024
This year Majuli Raas festival 2024 is going to be organised from 25 November, 2024 (on the day of Raas Purnima). It will be three day program in most of the satras of Majuli starting from November 25 to November 27, 2024.